Sunday, April 13, 2014

[PS3] PAIN | FULL Game.torrent download

# # Manufacturer : SONY

# # Site of the manufacturer : SONY

# # Screenshots: tsuck

# # Comment : It was somewhere around the time GameScoop's own Daemon Hatfield pulled back on the

human slingshot,

launched Jarvis through the air, snagged a grandmother by her hair, dragged her down a staircase leading to a subway and slammed into an exploding crate that I realized

how much fun

Pain can be.

Sadly, that fun only lasts for so long.

The newest downloadable game for the PlayStation Network, Pain charges you with launching Jarvis - a spikey-haired punk with a Tarzan-like scream - through the air and

into a

destructible downtown environment. You'll need to shoot the man into a picketer in a cow suit, bounce from there into scaffolding and try to make it to the exploding mailbox

while a score

keeps accumulating on the right side of the screen tracking the destruction you're causing.

See, each run at the city begins from a human catapult in a barren construction site. Your left stick will control the direction and angle of your 'pult's orientation, while the right

stick moves

Jarvis in the sling. Pull it all the way back, and Jarvis walks to the part of the device that is farthest from the front - thus, putting more oomph into the launcher.

Sigh. You really should've paid attention in high school physics ... or I should've.

Anyway, you move Jarvis around and your choices change the placement of the green arc depicting your path on the screen. You hit X, Jarvis flies and you use the left stick

to control his

drift while switching between left shoulder buttons / face button combos to do cannonballs, Superman poses and other hot dog moves. Drop the shoulder button magic, and

you can use

the face buttons to grab objects you come in contact with on your flight - swinging from the suspended beam is sweet - and hurl them into the town.

So, you have basics now and you'll need to take them into three single-player modes and three multiplayer modes. When you're all by your lonesome, PAINdemonium will

unleash you on

the city without any restrictions - just rack up the points, young man; Mime Toss has you pluck a black-and-white Frenchie out of midair and hurl him through panes of glass

while playing

for the best time; and Spank the Money has you ram Jarvis into furry guys all over the city. If you have friends over, you can go at it in Horse (you'll have to hit a specific

object and then

try to pull off the best score to avoid getting the dreaded letters), Bowling hurls Jarvis at a set of pins while an opponent sets off obstacles, and Fun with Explosives shoots

for high

scores and big booms.


However, PAINdemonium will be the main mode for your foray. There's no story; you just slam Jarvis into stuff and try to rack up the high score while pulling body-bruising

moves such as

Nutcracker, Stomped Grapes and Croth-a-licious and stringing these moves together for combos and bonuses.

Now, I know what you're going to say: "Wait, Greg! You're a flippin 'idiot! How can you string moves together if you're just launching yourself into things? You suck! IGN is

biased! "That's

where "ooch" comes in.

See, after you collide with your initial object, you'll be able to press the d-pad to move Jarvis and that depletes an "ooch" meter at the side. As long as the word "ooch" has

some coloring

in it, you'll be able to get Jarvis to bounce around the environment. When he first makes contact, you'll be able to shake your Sixaxis and get "Super ooch," which gives you

even more

range on your moves.

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